Thursday, January 26, 2012

Start of 2012....

So here we are a new year, and yet another new beginning. It seems like my life is constantly changing every year. This year I am starting college once again. This time it feels more right than the other times. Yet it still feels weird to be starting again when I am already 27 years old. My step-daughter is closer to graduating college than me, and she is only 17. So bizarre! 27....My life is yet to begin doing something that I really want to. I wish we could skip ahead to after college. I am ready to do what I want to do, not what I have to to help all of us just live day to day. I know with every class I finish, that gets closer, but it still seems so far away.

My first class is US Government. I am interested to learn some of this stuff, but I believe that I will also get frustrated with current events with knowing what is going on. You know the saying, "Ignorance is bliss." Truth be told, I have never tried to understand the these things for I have no interest in getting all worked up over things I can't change. I am not looking forward to that part. I know I am supposed to know all this government crap, but me knowing it isn't gonna make it any better for me. I can't change what the government is doing to me or others. I know others run for office so they can change it, but really there isn't way too change something so corrupt in the first place. Everyone is more wrapped up in personal gain then the true reason they should be there. So this is kinda gonna suck too.

As to other things, I have to say I really do have an amazing husband. He may hate people, and not like to socialize like I do, but he really is a great man for me. He helps level me out. We really are a great couple. I have really enjoyed this past few years with him. We can definitely have a good time with the simple things. I couldn't be happier with our family and times together. After all, friends and family are what makes the world worth living.

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